i-Spector Anisakis Detector

Shining a light on Anisakis, ensuring discovery and removal of all Anisakis worms in seafood products before sale




Eating raw seafood, such as sushi and sashimi, is a popular custom in Japan, and digestive disorders caused by the Anisakis parasite are a common occurrence. Though very hard to see with the naked eye, Anisakis worms can now be immediately detected and removed, thanks to the ‘i-Spector’.



  • Simply place the product in the unit to find the parasites

At the shop counter, the fish is placed in the i-Spector after filleting. The fish is inspected and only the Anisakis worms are illuminated,so they can be easily removed straightaway.


  • Applicable to various businesses

Due to the simple inspection procedure, you do not have to be an expert to spot and remove parasite. From sushi bars, to fishmongers, to seafood restaurants, any purveyor of raw seafood will benefit from this system. To find out more about the i-Spector, please contact your local Ishida Japan office or agent.


  • Patented technology developed with Tokyo University

A project in collaboration with Tokyo University has researched and developed a waveband of light which only shows up Anisakis (patent pending). This means that the parasites are less likely to be overlooked.