With the iz-7000, you get:

  • Choice between four software programs – weighing, mixing, counting and waste measurement – depending on your application.
  • Ability to combine with a bar code scanner or label printer, for a completely streamlined, automated operation.
  • A large, easy-to-read, full-colour touch panel, with task buttons that can be arranged depending on operating conditions and user preferences.
  • Guide messages during the procedure, so even inexperienced operators can use the equipment properly.

Variations :


Mixing recipes are recorded so weighing operations can be carried out safely without errors, just by following the instructions on the screen. The system can record around 1,500 mixtures and 2,000 different types of raw ingredients (using a 10-character name for each blend and material). Guidance is provided the whole way, from calling up the mixture to completing the mixing process.


The system can be used to meet specific objectives in weight checks, from confirming the product weight after boxing to check for missing items, to calculating the amount of wasted product.


Upper and lower count limits can be registered and a warning is displayed if the count is outside the set values. The system incorporates Ishida’s unique AIZAC function which automatically determines slight fluctuations in the unit weight, to avoid counting errors.